GROUP – Graduate Recruitment of Underrepresented Philosophers

Each year the Department of Philosophy at UNC Charlotte hosts a Graduate Recruitment of Underrepresented Philosophers (GROUP) event. The GROUP event is designed for promising prospective MA students in philosophy from traditionally underrepresented groups, such as women, people from economically disadvantaged communities, LGBTQ and gender variant people, veterans, religious minorities, people with disabilities, people of color, and first-generation college students.

Our M.A. program is housed in an interdisciplinary and intertraditional department, with teaching strengths and regular course offerings in areas such as research ethics, philosophy of the Americas, feminist philosophy, healthcare ethics, continental philosophy, and the history and philosophy of science.

This year’s workshop will be held on TBD on UNC Charlotte’s main campus. Students will be introduced to the life of the department by attending a campus tour, a visit to one of our philosophy graduate seminars, an opportunity to meet with our current MA students, and a graduate program application workshop. We will also organize some one-on-one opportunities for prospective students to speak with our graduate faculty, and provide a general setting for prospective students to investigate what it means to pursue a graduate degree in Philosophy at UNC Charlotte.

GROUP attendees will also have their hotel accommodations covered during their visit to Charlotte and are eligible to receive travel reimbursements of at least $150 for their gas or flight costs.

Event Schedule for GROUP:


11:00–11:45am: Welcome and MA Program Logistics Overview
11:45am–12:45pm: Graduate Application Workshop (with boxed lunches)
1:00–2:15pm: Keynote: TBD
2:30–4:00pm: Visit to Philosophical Methods graduate seminar with Dr. Ruth Groenhout
4:00–5:00pm: Campus tour
5:00–6:00pm: Pizza dinner in Philosophy Department


We welcome attendees from any underrepresented group(s) who are considering applying to graduate school in philosophy for Spring 2025 or 2025–26.

For consideration for the event, fill out this application and ask a professor/mentor in your department to send a brief letter of recommendation on your behalf to Dr. Lisa Rasmussen ( before TBD.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Department of Philosophy’s Graduate Program Director, Dr. Lisa Rasmussen at