Graduate Philosophy Club

Philosophical Union

The Philosophical Union of UNC Charlotte is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering a deep engagement with philosophy among students. Our mission is to illuminate the ways in which philosophy intersects with and enriches everyday life. We welcome individuals from all philosophical backgrounds, or even those new to the field, and strive to cultivate a passion for philosophy through the critical examination of media and contemporary research in a collaborative setting. 

Primarily geared toward graduate students, our meetings provide a platform for advanced discussions and scholarly work. However, we warmly invite undergraduates to join us, offering them a glimpse into the academic rigor, mentorship, and vibrant discourse at the graduate level. 

As part of our activities, the Philosophical Union proudly organizes the annual Ethics and Applied Philosophy Graduate Conference. Membership in the club provides a unique opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in conference planning and execution, honing skills in event management and academic networking. Additionally, this club serves as a wonderful way to build a supportive community among graduate students, creating a network that can offer assistance and camaraderie throughout the master’s program.

For more information, please visit the their website.