Grad Student Support


Current UNC Charlotte graduate tuition rates can be found here. Out-of-state tuition is four times higher, so we recommend that you apply for residency in North Carolina as soon as possible if you move here from outside the state. You can apply to establish NC residency after 12 months of continuous living in the state; more information here.



The Philosophy Department offers research and teaching assistantships on a competitive basis for students enrolled in at least three classes per semester. To be considered for a Philosophy assistantship, your application must be received by March 15.

Successful applicants for teaching assistantships will receive a stipend of $14,250 per academic year and in-state tuition coverage. (Please note that student fees are not included and must be covered by the student.) For more information, please contact the Graduate Program Director, Dr. Lisa Rasmussen, at Winningham 102A or via email (lrasmuss[at]


Graduate Assistant opportunities at UNC Charlotte outside the Philosophy department are listed here.

Other Resources

Financial Aid

For general information on financial aid for all UNC Charlotte students, please visit this site.


For information about UNC Charlotte scholarships, please visit this site. If you have taken four graduate courses and have a graduate GPA above 3.0, you are eligible for the Cyrus M. Johnson Scholarship ($1000), a Philosophy department award for students with a demonstrated interest in peace and justice.

Travel Support

The Graduate and Professional Student Government at UNC Charlotte has a small amount of funds available to help graduate students attend conferences. For more details, please visit their website. To be eligible for these funds you must be a member of a student organization such as the Philosophical Union. Note also that there are restricted application windows: for conferences from October 1 to December 31, you must apply between August 25 and September 10; for conferences from January 1 to May 31, you must apply between November 1 and November 15; for conferences from June 1 to September 30, you must apply between April 1 and April 15. Thus, you may need to apply even before you are accepted to the conference.